Dunlop Max range : the 150g (top) and 200g (forever to be associated with McEnroe and Graf) |
Found these two at my local recycling centre and was mightily pleased, as you might expect to get a piece of tennis history for a few euros. The smaller headed Max 150g was the forerunner for the larger Max 200g, but more about that in a moment. The Max 150g was styled on the old wooden frame and is fairly rare to find these days. With its 63 sq. inch head size and blue paint job, it otherwise shares the same injected graphite moulding process as the Max 200g, which John McEnroe would make famous. It packs quite a punch for its size given the hefty plow through it generates.
The Dunlop Max 200g is, of course, a well known classic used by The Mac and Steffi Graf. Hard to know what to say about this stick that hasn't been said. It has a nice smooth feel, generates good plough through and can still give modern frames a run for their money. That said, both these rackets are heavy for serving. But when one considers they were up against rival wooden frames there is just no contest. Ironic that McEnroe championed the era of graphite sticks but nowadays he often laments the passing of wood and the rise of power tennis over spin and guile that the players of eras past displayed.I didn't notice him complaining when his ground breaking Max 200g was crushing his more traditionalist wooden frame wielding opponents!